В блоге Polymeri Online подсмотрела еще одного замечательного мастера в свою коллекцию. И снова срочно ищу ведро для слюнок, пока разглядываю ее работы. А еще, прочитав в ее магазине на etsy про нее, я стала ее очень уважать и восхищаться ее силой. Я просто обязана познакомить вас с такой женщиной!
Итак, Adriana Allen. Вот что она пишет о себе:
"A friend of mine told me once that my company presentation needed to tell a story. Saying that Adriana Allen was an “independent, fashion company” might be appropriate for a medium or large business, but not for an artist. He advised me to tell MY story. I appreciated his idea, but never put it in practice as I find it extremely difficult to talk about myself. There is something about my creations, however, that I do need to share since I consider it a proof of the strength of mind over body, and the power of creation over everything else. Every item I create is a victory over an unforgiving disease that has the nasty habit of crippling and destroying the joints it affects: arthritis. I have suffered from it for almost 30 years. It affected me at an age so young doctors did not dare diagnose it since it made no sense in a child. When it hit, it hit hard. I never gave into it. I decided to ignore it, which has not been easy since it had paralyzed me at one point in my life and now it is close to claiming my hands. Every piece I create reminds me of this fact, but the disease cannot stop me from doing what I love. And if you too like my work then it is worth the while.
You can visit my website at www.adrianaallen.com"
As a former editor-in-chief of some of the leading European fashion and style magazines, professional journalist, and published writer, with an innate interest in fashion, I take pleasure in writing about this topic. I hope you will find it entertaining."
Итак, Adriana Allen. Вот что она пишет о себе:
"A friend of mine told me once that my company presentation needed to tell a story. Saying that Adriana Allen was an “independent, fashion company” might be appropriate for a medium or large business, but not for an artist. He advised me to tell MY story. I appreciated his idea, but never put it in practice as I find it extremely difficult to talk about myself. There is something about my creations, however, that I do need to share since I consider it a proof of the strength of mind over body, and the power of creation over everything else. Every item I create is a victory over an unforgiving disease that has the nasty habit of crippling and destroying the joints it affects: arthritis. I have suffered from it for almost 30 years. It affected me at an age so young doctors did not dare diagnose it since it made no sense in a child. When it hit, it hit hard. I never gave into it. I decided to ignore it, which has not been easy since it had paralyzed me at one point in my life and now it is close to claiming my hands. Every piece I create reminds me of this fact, but the disease cannot stop me from doing what I love. And if you too like my work then it is worth the while.
You can visit my website at www.adrianaallen.com"
Кратко, Адриана больна артритом, борется с ним уже на протяжении 30 лет. Каждое ее изделие - это победа над ужасной болезнью. Болезнь не остановит ее, она будет делать то, что любит.
А помимо своего увлечения полимерной глиной, Адриана интересуется модой и ведет блог, в который приглашает нас заглянуть.
"= BLOG =
If you are interested in fashion, you might enjoy reading my blog dedicated to World fashion, the History of fashion, and the elements of style. The blog can be found at www.adrianaallen.com/blog As a former editor-in-chief of some of the leading European fashion and style magazines, professional journalist, and published writer, with an innate interest in fashion, I take pleasure in writing about this topic. I hope you will find it entertaining."
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